seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2016 | Page 39

be rugged enough to handle everything that goes on upon the seas. “Many things are quite new to me and I’m still learning the ropes, so to speak. “All marine-bound equipment is first It’s also great to consider all the things I tested thoroughly on land,” she says, add- can bring to the ships from my ‘previous ing that not all “dry land” devices are a life’ on land,” Jämsen says, adding that the good fit for marine. job is quite exciting due to this potential. When it comes to maintenance, Also, with Tallink Silja’s 18 restaurants and Salonen says that, usually, the service tech- four cafés, Jämsen should have his hands nicians onboard are quite skilled at servic- full for quite some time. ing the galley hardware. ”In the ships’ kitchens, there is a “Normally we also provide a spare centralised cooling system which keeps parts kit along with the equipment, so the temperature sufficiently low – and all there is ‘first aid’ available right there. This the machinery that’s coming in must be also gives us more time to get the warranty ’marine grade’,” confirms Jämsen. part to replace the broken down one.” In Having durable machines goes a long addition, there is a rising trend that cli- a way to running smooth kitchen opera- ents – especially those thinking ahead – are tions and Jämsen credits also the mainte- interested about acquiring a more compre- nance crew for their expertise: “We have hensive spare parts package. electricians onboard that can handle the daily maintenance when the need arises.” SEABORNE CHEF Talking about the optimisation of But what is it like for a top chef to switch space, Jämsen admits that especially with from land to sea? Matti Jämsen, the newly older ships, the situation is not always appointed Head of tRestaurant Services for perfect. However, as the incoming new Tallink Silja Oy, admits that working with machines can be smaller and more effi- big boats is a little different from land cient, there is at least some relief to be operations. found. n PROTACON MARINE 25 years of expertise Modernisations of electric drives and automation systems for special vessels. Turnkey deliveries upon request. Further information: Protacon Group +358 (0) 10 3472 600 “All marine-bound equipment is first tested thoroughly on land,” says Taina Salonen from Metos. seatec 2/2016 37