seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2016 | Page 14

Certification gives the customer confidence with regards to quality issues. The customer’s demands and expectations have to do with product quality and delivery. “ Certificates will continue to be highly attractive. has coincided with dwindling operations,” he notes.   “One way to demonstrate this is THE NETWORK ECONOMY the certification of environmental, occu- Olli Kaljala from Bureau Veritas is thinking pational and health and security systems.” along the same lines with his colleague: Flink acknowledges that subcontrac- quality systems are gradually catching on Certificates will continue to be highly tors sometimes perceive the certification in the shipyards’ supplier network. He attractive, since many big players’ acqui- work to be quite demanding and rigid. notes that as basically all industrial sec- sition departments are not likely to com- Still, he argues that the documentation tors are subscribing to this trend, it makes mit at all, if the supplier can’t provide requirements of the new-and-improved sense that marine is following suit. the black-on-white. Furthermore, Flink ISO standards have become more flexible. “In addition to quality and envi- observes that large organisations face the “Assessed as a whole, the new ronmental standards, also in some cases challenge of making sure that the subcon- standards are more business-minded and standards such as the information security tractors are being responsible in addition can really help organisations to boost their standard ISO27000 may be applicable,” to being capable; operations.” Kaljala says, adding that standards (and SHOULDERING RESPONSIBILITY 12 seatec 2/2016