seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2013 | Page 18

sion power of 13 000 kW. As multipurpose jects on the continental shelf in the Far future looks quite good for the Helsinki vessels, these vessels are capable of car- East with the active involvement of Rus- operation. In late December 2012 it was rying various type of cargo and they are sian companies will allow Russia to further announced that Arctech Helsinki Shipyard equipped for oil combating, fire fighting, strengthen its positions in the rapidly ex- has been awarded a contract to build a and rescue operations. The rescue capac- panding Asia-Pacific region,” Frank said, 16 MW icebreaker for the Russian Min- ity is for 195 persons. adding that the construction of vessels like istry of Transport. Helsinki shipyard won Mustamäki comments that Vitus Aleksey Chirikov is fully in line with the the contract together with OJCS Vyborg Bering and Aleksey Chirikov speak vol- Sovcomflot strategy to expand company Shipyard and the total value of the deal is umes about the excellent co-operation be- participation in industrial projects on Rus- about EUR 100 million. tween Arctech and Sovcomlot, the largest sia’s continental shelf. shipping corporation in Russia. ”The planning for the ship is done “Aleksey Chirikov and Vitus Bering in Russia and it is already underway. We “These state-of-the-art multifunc- bring together the very latest innovations at the Helsinki shipyard will start work on tional icebreaking supply vessels can be in shipbuilding science and technology the project next year,” says Mustamäki. utilised in many arctic areas in the future and are in high demand from both Rus- Arctech will be responsible of the con- and I see a global need for such Arctic ves- sian and international oil and gas compa- struction, outfitting and commissioning sels”, says Mustamäki. nies,” Frank believes. of the vessel. EYE ON STRATEGY VYBORG-HELSINKI COLLABORATION client in August 2015. The icebreaker is Sergey Frank, President of OAO Sovcom- The Helsinki Shipyard proved its mettle planned to be used in year-round opera- flot, says that Aleksey Chirikov will oper- already with Vitus Bering as the techni- tion in the Baltic Sea and in summer sea- ate in a region that has been gaining in- cally advanced ship was delivered in two son in the Arctic seas. The vessel is able to creasing economic importance for Russia years – i.e. four months ahead of sched- operate in temperatures as cold as –40 °C over the last several years. ule. This was sure to increase the client’s and the maximum icebreaking capability confidence in the shipyard – and now the is 1.5 m. The vessel will be delivered to the “The ongoing development of pro- 16 seatec 2/2013