SAVI Reports | Page 36

Housing subsidies—or other programs that make safe, decent, and affordable housing more accessible—can have a tremendous impact on the families that benefit from them; but, providing direct subsidies (those coming directly from public sources) to families is certain to leave other similar families unsupported. On the other hand, these resources can also support neighborhood development, which in turn can create additional local tax revenue to support public safety, education, infrastructure, and other investments. These benefits have the potential to help all households in the region, as well as support broader community development, economic development, and reinvestment goals. Grappling with these questions and trade-offs can be challenging; they do not often lend themselves to easy answers. A greater opportunity for success—however success is defined—may be realized through the development of a common agenda through supporting collaboration across nonprofit sectors with a stake in the outcomes of low-income families, aligning with long-term trends, leveraging resources, and coordinating peopleoriented and place-based strategies. The outlook for Indianapolis, in this respect, is positive, as the community has a reputation for being able to come together and coordinate activities as well as anywhere. 32