This summer, St. Sabina led 11 Friday Night Marches throughout the Auburn Gresham community. The 4th annual end of the school year Peace Rally and march on June 13th was the kickoff event that launched the weekly marches. Rain or shine, Father Pfleger felt it was important for St. Sabina to go out into the community on Friday nights to have a presence in the area, and to let people know that we are here and we care for them. He charged all of the churches in the city to claim a territory in which they would work to bring about peace. St. Sabina’s territory went east to west from Wallace to Damen, and north to south from 75th to 83rd Street. Every week St. Sabina Community Peacemakers determined if there was tension or a threat of violence in the “Peace Circle” an area previously known for high gang friction. Additionally, Father Pfleger consulted with the 6th District Police for any “hot” blocks and made sure we marched to that area to help deter violence from occurring.

As the members and supporters walked throughout the neighborhood, they passed out flyers with information about the free programs and services that are available for them through St. Sabina’s outreach arms, The ARK of St. Sabina youth center, St. Sabina Employment Resource Center and St. Sabina/Catholic Charities Social Services Center. Volunteers also helped to register people to vote during the marches. It didn’t take long before community residents started to expect and look forward to seeing St. Sabina leading marchers down their block on a Friday evening. People throughout the city and state demonstrated their support by joining us for the summer marches. Governor Pat Quinn, Senator Collins, the family of Emmett Till, amongst a number of other notable religious, political, and community leaders came to the marches. The final march was held the night before our 3rd annual peace tournament, on Friday, September 19th.