The Gospel we have committed ourselves to and mission of our faith community is to make flesh what Dr. King called the Beloved Community. This newsletter speaks of the programs and services we gave our time, finances, and effort to this summer to create that Beloved Community and impact lives and the city as a whole.

Through employment of youth and adults, our Peace League along with our PeaceMakers Outreach, our Friday Night Peace Walks, the Ark of Saint Sabina’s youth programs, our Social Service Office, multiple block parties, book bag giveaway, and the countless other summer outreach we have done, we have sought to build and be the Beloved Community.

I want to thank all the staff and outreach ministries of Saint Sabina for their sacrifice and commitment. The summer stretched us to or limits, but seeing the fruit of our labors by the lives that were touched and changed made that stretching worth every bit of the sacrifice. Earlier this summer I gave a sermon where the title was derived from a question a young boy from Englewood asked at a town hall meeting, “Does anybody care about us?” That young boy’s question did and still does stir in me every day, and I pray it will continue to wrestle with me and our church for the rest of our lives.

I believe this summer we tried, with every bit of breath and strength, to tell that young boy and our community that yes we do…

In Pursuit of Justice,

Rev. Michael Pfleger