Sacred Places Spring 2011 | Page 22

GREEN BUILDING FEATURE Faith Communities Support Local Food Sources One of the ways that congregations can support the green movement – and their local economy – is by using their buildings and open spaces to make a connection between themselves and the food they eat. Congregations regularly gather for communal meals, and members give thanks each week for the food that is shared. Food – what we eat, how it is grown and prepared – is integrated within many faith practices. For that reason, more and more faith communities are taking charge of their religious responsibility to better understand where our food comes from. food that goes directly to local food pantries. Many churches see this as truly meaningful neighborhood outreach, and it provides an opportunity for intergenerational relationships by getting youth involved with gardening. At a recent New Dollars/ New Partners training conducted by Partners with the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, all of the food served was from CSAs. Attendees were even encouraged to bring their own mug for coffee! Through these efforts, participants lessened their carbon footprint by decreasing the distance traveled by the food served for [