RPD Strategic Plan | Page 7

Equity Metrics

With the approval of Proposition B in June 2016 , a revision to Section 16.107 Park , Recreation , and Open Space Fund of the City Charter mandates the Department to formally consider and measure equity . Specifically , the Charter directs
“… the Department shall develop , and the Commission shall adopt , a set of equity metrics to be used to establish a baseline of existing Recreation and park services and resources in “ low income neighborhoods and disadvantaged communities , compared to services and resources available in the City as a whole .”
Using a dataset adopted by the State of California called CalEnviroScreen 2.0 , which provides a standard definition of “ disadvantaged ” by census tract . Setting the standard at the 20 % most disadvantaged residents by census tract in San Francisco , the map below illustrates these areas now designated as Equity Zones . With this designation , the parks in service of these residents could be named , on data for those sites was collected , calculated , and compared to all other sites and the City as a whole :
Equity Zone ( EZ )
20 % of the City ’ s population
Park Access
35 % of parks by number and 19 % of park acreage located in EZs
Park Maintenance
EZ parks had average Park Evaluation score of 85 %
Recreation Resources
46 % of all Recreation Resources were provided in EZ parks
Park Investment
52 % of Capital funding ( FY15-FY17 ) allocated to EZ parks
22 % of Volunteer hours ( both park and recreation ) given at EZ park
57 % of all SFPD Incidents near-a-park were at EZ parks
See Appendix C on Page 28 for full Equity Metrics data , sources , and comparative values