RPD Strategic Plan | Page 20

Protect and enhance San Francisco ’ s precious natural resources through conservation , education , and sustainable land / facility management practices
Conserve and strengthen natural resources

Strategy Four : Inspire Stewardship

Protect and enhance San Francisco ’ s precious natural resources through conservation , education , and sustainable land / facility management practices


Conserve and strengthen natural resources

PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Water Use : Percentage reduction in potable water use , as measured by the SFPUC PERFORMANCE TARGET Comply with all state and local water reduction mandates
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Tree replacement ratio PERFORMANCE TARGET Plant two new trees for every tree removed
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Diversion Rates : Percentage of waste material recycled or composted in support of SFE ’ s 0-50-100 Climate Action Strategy PERFORMANCE TARGET Achieve annual increases through FY21
Initiatives a ) Continue implementing the Water Conservation Plan with the installation of permeable pathways , water efficient landscapes , recycled water , and repair and replacement of irrigation systems b ) Implement a programmatic tree assessment , maintenance and reforestation program that sustains a 15-year tree maintenance cycle c ) Increase green waste production and product cycles and expand the compost product menu d ) Obtain Bay Friendly Certification of public park landscapes and Audubon certification of public golf courses
Lead Opera tions Opera tions Opera tions Opera tions Support Capital & Planning Capital & Planning Timeline FY19-21 FY17-21 FY19-21 FY17-21
Connect to recycled water system for irrigation in Golden Gate Park