Rodeo Fame Summer 2015 | Page 4

Section | TITLE 8 Rodeo Fame Team EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April Bach Patterson 4 Amazing 4th of July Stories WRITERS/REPORTERS Lori O’Harver, Brenda Matamoros Julie Sproul, Katie Bartlett, Kelli Kissack, Tiffany McGhan, Kim Zierlein LAYOUT & DESIGN Chantel Miller ADVERTISING [email protected] [email protected] Breeding Winning Horses ADVISORY BOARD Judy Nelson COVER PHOTO Tiffany McGhan Photography RODEO FAME PO BOX 95 • Azle, TX. 76098 6 Me and my ginger husband, Blake Patterson, in Hawaii at my youngest brother's wedding. Our house was right on the beach! - April 22 Has anyone else had an eventful year already? In six months I've had one of the most eventful years I've ever had. I am being very serious... It was PACKED full of events. Happy and sad. I won't bore you with details, such as my son having a seizure, my two brothers getting married, or me finding out I need corrective ear surgery to take care of progressive hearing loss. Those were only a few major events, but I will say that an anonymous person once said, "You get credit for what you finish, not what you start." I have goals I made this year and hope to possibly adopt a child, so I plan to finish my year strong and when December comes I plan to say this was a great year and I finished with a healthy perspective and a thankful heart for all I learned and gained. Midway it's easy to give up, so I hope this was a little reminder that you are not alone and the biggest reward is at the finish line. PHOTOGRAPHER HIGHLIGHT Frontier Fortitude Growing up around the rodeo world I have met some of the best rodeo photographers in the industry. Meet an up-and-coming photographer, Kim Zierlein, from Wyoming, who owns Frontier Fortitude. She has already captured so many rodeo famous stars and her work might be your next favorite print on your wall. Please check out and read her story on a few great pickup men published in this issue. Thanks for reading, April Bach Patterson [email protected] 4 SUMMER 2015 •