Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal | Página 106

. In terms of my love for fish, that goes back equally as long if not longer. One of my first memories as a three year old involves my dad rigging up a wood dowel for me to “fish” with. He attached monofilament to the end of a wood dowel and tied a rubber band to the end of the mono. I can still vividly remember the submerged rubber band moving in the current of the Puget Sound in front of my Aunt’s cabin. It made absolutely zero logistic sense to me how this method was going to catch a fish. My best guess was that maybe a fish would swim into the rubber band and get stuck, but even for a three year old, that seemed a little unlikely. Regardless, the anticipation and hope of connecting with a fish has kept my line in the water and my mind fixated on fish from that day on.

My current work features illustrations of various fish species levitated in white space. I have always been inclined to include floating objects in my work which is why I've continuously chosen to depict the fish in this way throughout this on going series. The reason I think floating objects are so intriguing is because of the shadows that they cast. The simple inclusion of a shadow has the ability to add a sense of dimensionality and space within the two dimensional confines of an artwork, ultimately making it a lot more interesting to look at. Aside from floating fish, my work has also been known to include floating rivers, outlines of rivers, geometric cubes and vast skies. These reoccurring staples of my work are apart of what defines my style as an artist. However, fly fishing as the exclusive subject matter in my work is something that hasn't always been the case and really is a concept I’ve only started to embrace in the last three years or so.