Reverie Fair Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 13

enough rain will fall

to make it whole again.

What if I told you . . .

You don't know it all.

You haven't seen everything.

There are still surprises waiting.

Could you go on?

Could you have faith?

Could you smile?

Letting tears flow


Like rivers

following gravity

to a weightless joy?

Could you wait?

Moving toward the Unknown

with purest trust

that the Unknown

is All

we are truly

destined to know?

Our Journey . . . is . . .

Our only Destination

Our Emptiness . . .

the only thing we're filled with.

The promise of a place to keep Everything

as if Everything was something worth stockpiling.

Could you travel . . .

with empty hands,

empty pockets,

and a Heart filled with Love?