Resident Involvement Toolkit Issue 1 | Page 15

Success, Satisfaction and Scrutiny: the Resident Engagement Toolkit Stage Costs What’s included in the cost? 2 Estimated cost: £200 Cumulative cost: £340 (Stage 1 + 2) A repeat of the steps in Stage 1, though involving more senior staff (e.g. in case conferences), additional time commitments and a visit to the complainant’s home. 3 Estimated cost: £500 Cumulative cost: £840 (Stage 1 + 2 + 3) Customer Experience Officer time: zz Acknowledging complaint progression and explaining what Stage 3 will involve zz Senior level case conference zz Organising customer-based training for complaint panel members - residents on our Resident Governance Structure chair our Stage 3 complaint panels zz Pre-meeting ahead of complaint panel zz Preparing case pack zz Home visit (complaint panel) zz Completing follow-up actions zz Producing minutes zz Monitoring actions zz Explaining Housing Ombudsman Service Lead Officer time (responsibilities are shared between the Stage 2 lead and a Director so two members of staff are leading the complaint at this stage) zz Reading papers zz Preparing for panel review zz Attending panel 4 Estimated cost: £75 Cumulative cost: £915 (Stage 1 + 2 + 3 + 4) At this point our complaint resolution procedure has been completed, but there are a few remaining actions: zz Sending case pack to the Housing Ombudsman Service zz Possible case conference (involving Directors) 5) We multiplied the estimated costs by the figures in Table A to get the following results: Table B: Costs Highest Stage Reached Year 1 2 3 4 Grand Total Savings against 2009/10 2009/10 £135,800 £62,220 £17,640 £10,980 £226,640 £0 2010/11 £65,660 £23,460 £8,400 £915 £98,435 -£128,205 2011/12 £30,520 £10,880 £9,240 £3,660 £54,300 -£172,340 2012/13 £24,780 £11,220 £3,360 £2,745 £42,105 -£184,535 2013/14 £24,220 £10,200 £7,560 £3,660 £45,640 -£181,000 6) Lastly, we subtracted the costs for 2009/10 from those for 2013/14 to produce the annual efficiency saving of £181,000. 15