REPs Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 22

FABS TRAINING The first course of its kind to combine the cornerstones of health and wellbeing for the over 60s • Expand your knowledge • Increase your client base & earning potential • Specialist training to help you stand out from the crowd • Be the first - find out more e: [email protected] t: 0800 612 7785 w: h t t p : / / w w w. l a t e r l i f e t r a i n i n g . c o . u k / Te l : 0 1 8 3 8 3 0 0 3 1 0 Email: [email protected] Evidence-based training Endorsed and accredited courses Extensive CPD programme Effective exercise programmes Providing training and education in safe, effective, evidence-based exercise programmes for health, physical activity, exercise and social care professionals working with older people, falls prevention and stroke survivors. REPS_OCT__Page22.indd 22 21/04/2016 10:44