Relate Magazine - Volume 2 | Page 28

We can no longer be threatened by militarized police and when a people are willing to die for their freedom, they are worthy of freedom, he added.

As America tries to police the world, China and other nations are sending American officials back home saying clean up your human rights violations, the Minister said.

The Minister’s themes in Chicago reflected similar themes from messages delivered in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and in New York in early June that focused on the need for concerted economic action and withdrawal, as advocated by Dr. King, the power of Black unity and the opportunity to seek justice for Latinos, Native Americans and even poor Whites.

We need to boycott Xmas holiday spending as part of demands for addressing the crisis in Black America, the Minister declared. The crowd again applauded and shouted its approval.

God’s judgment against America

The wrath of God is displayed in the forces of nature with weather forecasters unable to explain severe conditions as the author of the climate is using nature to destroy this world, the Minister said.

Forces and circumstances are producing an event that will usher in a great change, not political change but divine change, he stressed.

America is not a democracy and has always been of, for and by the rich, the Minister said.

“Look at the pain now we are suffering,” said Minister Farrakhan, speaking to leaders, activists and youth on June 5 at the Harlem State Office Building in New York. “It’s not getting better, it’s worse in the face of some progress made by some of us who are intelligent, gifted, well-meaning. We are like the crabs in a barrel that the crab master has reached into the barrel and taken a few crabs and put them at the top of the barrel.”

Justice is the weapon God is using today, which is the Day of Judgement, and in the future U.S. cities will be leveled as America has leveled cities, the Minister warned. Even Blacks will pay for evil done to one another and rejection of the promise of God because Elijah Muhammad said the enemy would treat Blacks worse and worse, Minister Farrakhan said. Blacks must stop the killing of one another and it can be done, he said.