Real Life Real Faith Women Walking By Faith May/June 2016 | Seite 18

THE BEAUTY BOX HEALTHY HAIR HABITS BY YOLANDA MATTHEWS-PORTER As women, we can experience challenges with our hair due to improper maintenance habits and routines. Did you know that every day mishaps could leave your hair dry, dull and lifeless? Some common hair care habits we practice daily are actually bad and can lead to damage such as shedding, breakage, dryness and hair loss. I will provide you with some great tips that will help you to improve your hair maintenance routines. First, let us define shampoo: A liquid or dry preparation used to cleanse the hair and scalp. One key essential of good hair care is being aware of your hair texture and condition. There are many types of shampoos on the market. You should make it your goal to become familiar with selecting the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and its state. Reading labels and literature is beneficial towards enabling you to make informed decisions about the use of various shampoos. Hair is usually categorized as dry, oily, normal or chemically treated. Hair textures are coarse, medium and fine. WOMEN WALKING BY FAITH MAGAZINE | 18 Your scalp can become oily or flaky due to over processing. Did you know that over-shampooing your hair could cause dryness of the scalp? On the other hand not shampooing your hair enough can cause oiliness, dandruff, and dirt build-up. The shampoo you choose to use must be effective enough to thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp. The frequency of shampooing your hair depends on your level of activity. For instance, do you exercise regularly? Your hair must be shampooed as often as necessary in order to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for diseaseproducing bacteria that cause scalp disorders. As a general rule of thumb, oily hair should be shampooed more than normal or dry hair. However, it should not be done too often because excessive shampooing can strip the hair of its protective oils and sebum. Sebum, in small amounts, protects the hair and seals the h