Real Life Real Faith Women Walking By Faith May/June 2016 | Page 12

Modeling goodness
Modeling goodness

Motherhood Is ....... By Esther Renee Wright

This is the month that we celebrate the amazing gift of motherhood . A gift that is not seen the same by everyone . Unfortunately , there are some who may see motherhood as a burden due to certain circumstances , or just because they never wanted that responsibility . Hard to believe right ? But it really does exist , being a mother is a calling to a high level of commitment , that if it is not in you , an individual can find it difficult and disheartening . There are some who dreamed of someday becoming a mother and circumstances erased that dream , leaving a longing , unsatisfied feeling . But does that remove the ability to change the view of motherhood , no ! There are some who are mothers and enjoy every aspect of what that entails . Motherhood is truly a gift from God , our children are His pride and joy , in Luke 18:15-17 , the Message Bible it says ,
“ People brought babies to Jesus , hoping he might touch them . When the disciples saw it , they shooed them off . Jesus called them back . “ Let these children alone . Don ’ t get between them and me . These children are the kingdom ’ s pride and joy . Mark this : Unless you accept God ’ s kingdom in the simplicity of a child , you ’ ll never get in .” There are lot of different things I could glean from this scripture , but one question I have is this . What is your motive as a mother ? Hummm I know , you are probably thinking , is she tripping ? No , I am not ! Are your children for you or God ? What are you modeling for them as an example through your life ? When they see you , do they see a Titus chapter 2 woman ? God has mandated us to Model Goodness for those who are coming behind us . That includes our CHILDREN !!!
When we read Proverbs 31 , it is easy to see why many of us would desire to have children in our lives . Verse 28 says , “ Her children respect and bless her ; her husband joins in with words of praise ” Who would not want that as part of her testimony . Well , I have to admit this was truly my desire , to be an amazing mother and raise children who would respect me and bless me . In another version it says , “ Her children arise and call her blessed ; her husband also , and he praises her .
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