Real Life Real Faith Wisdom for Everyday Life July/ August | Seite 8

The Holy Bible is one of my all-time favorite sources of literature. Wisdom for everyday living can be gleaned from each one of the sixty-six books that it is comprised of. Vivid character portrayals are abundant and provide us with lessons that will encourage us to fully blossom into the men and women that God has us to be. One such portrayal is that we shall consider today is that of an unnamed woman of the tribe of Levi. This woman became more than neighborhood “Sheroe” but a national one.

Exodus 2:1-4 records an incredible story of a woman of great strength and courage. Jochebed was her name and her contribution to the legacy of the Israelites will never be forgotten. It was her vision, her faith, and her willingness to take a risk that helped to usher in salvation and deliverance to her people. This woman was the biological mother of Moses.

Jochebed, mother of Moses became impregnated with him during an inopportune season. It was a season in which the adversary of Israel, Pharaoh, had issued a decree that all baby boys ages two and under were to be killed. He went as far as to instruct mid-wives to murder the baby boys the moment that they were born. Imagine the trepidation that the mother of Moses must have experienced at the knowledge that her seed would be slain because of his gender! What should have been a time of celebration became a time of great anxiety concerning the fate of her child.

The time came for this woman to deliver, and she birthed a baby boy. Upon looking at the child the Scripture says that she saw that he was Godly child. Her prophetic vision was in full operation and she immediately realized that this child’s life was worth saving, not just because he was her son, but because she saw what he could become.

Relying on Her

faith in God, she risks her own life to save the life of Moses, by hiding him for three months. However, the time arrived when she could no longer hide him so she put the baby in a basket and laid it in the Nile River. Note, this woman was clueless to what the outcome of her daring attempt to save her child’s life would be. However, she retained the vision of him being a Godly child in her memory and allowed that to fuel her determination to see this child fulfill his God ordained purpose.

What happens to baby Moses? God strategically allowed Pharaoh’s daughter to bathe herself in the Nile River at God’s appointed time so that she could see the basket that Moses had been lain floating down the river. She has the basket brought to her and upon opening it she saw the child, and heard his cries. She immediately is filled with compassion for him and takes the child home to her palace to raise him as her own son.

a biblical shero Jochabed

Sheri Curvin

