READER'S ROCK LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE VOL 2 ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2014 Vol. 1 Issue 3 September 2013 | Page 13

books. I send occasional announcements of new releases or when one of my books goes on sale. My books are available at all the major ebook retailers: Amazon Apple Barnes & Noble (Nook) Kobo Smashwords At any of those stores, you can download my novella Dark Prelude for free (except in some of the international Amazon stores). Dark Prelude is a prequel to my first novel, the sexy gothic Dark Splendor – my thank you to readers who have supported my writing from the beginning, and to all the new readers I look forward to entertaining! Any final comments, Andrea? ANDREA: The warmest of thanks to you, Tammie, for including me in Readers Rock Magazine and for renewing our friendship after so many years. It’s good to be enjoying your books now. Truly, the best thing about being an author is connecting with other authors. Indie authors are phenomenal at sharing and boosting the efforts of others. Your generosity in providing platforms for fellow authors and your enthusiasm for all that you do just confirms that you definitely rock! Thank you so much Andrea it has been such a pleasure catching up with you and helping to introduce an whole new generation or two t ?[?\??X?[?\??????H?[??&]?Z]??YH?][?H]?H[???H??\?[?H?\?H?X\??]\?K???