Re: Winter 2016 | Page 30

Oscar’s Wish Foundation In 6 days time, the 4th November Oscar will be 2 years old. His Memory etched into my heart. This is our Story..... “I left the hospital with my maternity notes, two paracetamol but without my Baby Oscar.” After 6 painful hours of labour I gave birth to my son. Oscar was born but his heart had stopped beating hours before birth and there I was sat in The Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton with my family around me, utterly devastated and confused. The minutes that passed 28 felt like hours, the hours felt like days and within 24 hours I was heading home to a house that was prepared for his arrival in 12 weeks’ time. “How has this happened?” and “Why has this happened to us?” “Why my baby?” “Why?” So many unanswered questions brought on grief and a pain that I still feel today. 6 months that will be etched into my heart and memory forever. It feels so surreal to have cradled the most beautiful little boy in my arms. Oscar Jensen Stephen Kybert born 4th November 2014. At 18 weeks pregnant I went to hospital with severe bleeding. They carried out some tests and found that I had a polyp. Cervical polyps are small, elongated tumours that grow on the cervix. Cervical polyps are usually benign (not cancerous). I was very concerned when the doctors explained this to me as in February 2014 I had had surgery on my cervix. I was informed that I may not be able to have children. I had always dreamed of having children. This was my one wish. I explained to the staff not only was I bleeding but I thought that I had wet myself twice. I was sent home and told to keep an eye. I went in for my 20 week scan and sat waiting nervously. I was so excited to be getting to see my baby on the sonogram. The sonographer began scanning me and her face dropped. I asked what was wrong. She explained that she couldn’t see my baby and needed to get a second opinion. She left the room. The doctor came in and scanned me. I could see that my mum, granddad and friend Kirsten were in tears... I tried to be brave. I was so scared. The doctor explained that I had no amniotic fluid around my baby. I had an AFI of 0.5cm in the deepest pool. I was taken immediately up to the ward and examined. The doctor apologised and said “I’m sorry”... Those words still ring in my head. He began explaining but I didn’t hear a word he said... I was so scared I just wanted my baby boy to be ok. My waters had broken and my cervix had begun contracting. I was only 5 months pregnant. I was kept in hospital for 3 weeks and