Re: Winter 2015 | Página 90

Relationship The State of Being Connected Several close relationships for me were once fraught with tension and risk so I grew up as a child with vigilance as my watchword. However it wasn’t until after I had had my three daughters and been divorced did I even identify the help that was out there for me. Now as a re-married wife, mother, stepmother, grandmother and step-grandmother I have a certain amount of experience of different relationships but it has taken many years of learning to discover how people function. My family is large and full of strong minded, noisy people who have opinions and know how to voice them and sometimes this can be problematic but more often it can be hilarious and joyful. Relationships and people are what make the world go round and away from the midst of this swirl of lively individuals I am a psychotherapist, or if you favour, a counsellor. Modern life means that at some time having to facing difficulties that need more than a chat over a cup of tea with a friend and in my world I see people with a myriad of problems – problems with sexual ly compulsive behaviours that have culminated in dismissal from their employment; people who are in crisis due to the discovery of an affair; people whose confusion about their sexuality can cause real pain, people bereft because their dog has died and they feel no-one understands their grief and people who decide to get a divorce and want the space to organise their thoughts and emotions in the midst of chaos – a small example of my working life at my therapy rooms. This may sound a list of misery and gloom and yes people don’t come to see people like me to share their jokes. However, those courageous folk who seek my help are surprised to discover amongst the sadness how quickly they can access their elusive humour and feel moments of lost happiness. This dichotomy of thoughts, feelings, emotions and our relationship with ourselves is why I am so interested in the human personality and why my initial training many years ago was in transactional analysis which is a study of personality and then later studying the intricacies of the couple relationship followed by the complexities of the sexual relationship and then the relationship of the self with sexual addiction and the relationship of the partner with that addict. When couples seem to not be speaking the same language, disagreeing over everything and anything, when they are fearful that it has got more serious and any discussion has become aggressive and nasty, they sit either side of the sofa in my room with a wall of antagonism and anxiety lurking like a malevolent miasma between them. They have reached a point where talking or rows have no resolution; they are going around and around in circles, prowling and looking for a chance 88