Re: Winter 2015 | страница 84

WHY I LOVE Lindfield I have lived in Lindfield, West Sussex for over two years now and it is, without doubt, the best place I have ever lived and probably ever will live! I originate from a little village in Kent and spent my childhood visiting only one of the three shops the village had to offer (to get my penny sweets) and my teenage years trying to escape to civilisation on the bus to Bromley (which I was always successful in doing). At 16 I moved to Haslemere, Surrey with my family and my parents decided to choose an even more secluded location than in Kent – a walk to the local shop was now a two-hour round trip on foot. 82 I escaped to university in Nottingham and then spent a few years in my earlymid twenties in Bexhill, East Sussex with my now husband (Bexhill born and bred) before making the move to West Sussex. Having previously loved living in a village when I was a child and hating it when I was a young adult, I feel like I have gone full circle back to loving village life – and I have chosen a pretty special village! But why do I love Lindfield so much…? …it’s because of the pond When I say I live in Lindfield the usual response I get is ‘oh, the one with the pond?’…yes, that’s the one. My favourite thing about Lindfield is undoubtedly the ‘pond’ - it is actually a fresh water spring. The pond is situated right in the heart of the village, between the green and the high street, and is surrounded by beautiful houses and a pub which has been in the process of refurbishment since we arrived – hopefully it will be completed soon and can make the most of its beautiful view. Complete with a large family of ducks (with private accommodation, naturally) and a fountain, the pond is a well loved and well known feature of the village; the green grocers even sells food for the ducks (no bread allowed!) and I gather