Re: Autumn 2015 | Página 7

5. Use of law firms - 71% of consumers have not used any legal services in the last two years, 7% have made a Will in the last two years, and people that have a Will runs at 35%. All of these numbers are in line with previous years when the survey has been carried out. 6. Complaints - 45% of the general public say they would feel confident making a complaint about a lawyer, yet 44% of consumers who had used a lawyer and were dissatisfied about it did not complain, compared to 27% for the services sector as a whole All very interesting, but what are the implications of such findings for Mayo Wynne Baxter? 1. Choice – In some ways, it is surprising that people feel they have more choice when considering which firm should be instructed. Our experience is that we sometimes have to battle with very obvious steering of people towards particular firms, based not on their quality of service, but on the financial arrangements that exist between the referring party and the firm put forward for instruction. This is particularly prevalent in Injury claims where, although it is now unlawful for the referring body to receive a fee for the referral, they can still set up an arrangement to divide the profit between the parties to get round that rule. It can also happen in conveyancing, where some estate agents are only able to recommend law firms with which their head office has negotiated a deal. Our regulations require that such arrangements must be declared so that informed choices can be made. Be wary of any that only come to light after the event. figures as if lawyers have become better at demonstrating the value they can provide. Sometimes, this can be difficult, because the value is often in the avoidance of a horrible consequence that (the consumer may feel) may not have occurred anyway. For example, we could review a lease of a building which we advise needs amendment to ensure that rights between occupiers of the building are set out correctly if a fire occurred and the building is damaged. If you ignore our advice and proceed to take the lease, and a fire never occurs, there is no adverse consequence. However, if a fire did occur, you could justifiably claim that we had not protected your interests by allowing you to take the lease in a defective form (if we had not pointed out to you the defect). 4. Level of satisfaction – we have outstanding results from the feedback we are given, and publish the results on our website. For June 2015 (the last set of results collated to date), 84% of people that used us were very satisfied and 14.7% were satisfied. We are not complacent though. We want to achieve at least 90% very satisfied so will continue working towards that aim. 5. Use of Law firms – as the LSCS has concluded, the figures demonstrate a significant unmet legal need. For example, 65% of you have not made a Will! Whether you use us or not, please do ensure you make a Will as soon as you can, and even if you have made one, if it hasn’t been reviewed and updated in the past five years, there is a good chance you will want to change it. Why do people not use legal services? Often, it