RCL Benziger Catalog 2017 | Page 35

In chapter 20 , Ways of Happiness , your child learned : → The Beatitudes are teachings of Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount that describe the attitudes and actions of people blessed by God . → Living the Beatitudes is the way to follow the Law of Love . Canonized saints are models of people who faithfully lived the Beatitudes .
→ Pope John XXIII is one example of this . He was a great proponent of creating a just society so that peace can reign in the world .
→ The spirit of joy comes from our knowledge of the love of God , the treasure kept in our hearts .
For more about related teachings of the Church , see the Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1716 – 1729 , 1812 – 1819 , 1830 – 1845 , 1965 – 2029 ; and the United States Catechism for Adults , pages 307 – 311 , 318 .
Read this situation . Name the object , intention and circumstances . Then discuss the morality of the whole act with a partner .
Sarah and her teammates were playing in the championship game . in the fi nal minutes of the game , Sarah swept by the defender . as she kicked the ball trying to break the 0-0 score , she slipped on the wet grass , and the ball struck the goalkeeper in the face . Stunned from the fall , she looked toward the goal and saw the goalkeeper running toward her .
Object : kicked the ball intention : tried to score
Circumstances : wet grass , slipped , ball struck goalkeeper
Thinking about and evaluating our moral decisions is important . One way we do this is by examining our conscience .
Leader : Let us look into our hearts and think about the way we have loved or failed to love God and our neighbor as Jesus taught us .
All : Happy those who observe God ’ s decrees , who seek the Lord with all their heart .
PSALM 119:2
Leader : refl ect in silence after each question .
Reader : how have you kept God fi rst in your life ? ( Pause ) how have you shown respect to your parents and teachers ? ( Pause ) how have your words and actions shown respect for your body and the bodies of others ? ( Pause ) how have you been kind and helpful to other people ? ( Pause )
All : Happy those who observe God ’ s decrees , who seek the Lord with all their heart .
PSALM 119:2
There are two Gospel accounts of the Beatitudes . The Sermon on the Mount version is found in Matthew 5:3 – 12 . The Sermon on the Plains version is found in Luke 6:20 – 26 . Spend time breaking open the Word of God to let the light of the Gospel shine in your heart so your actions may be worthy of Christian living .
The Christian home and family is a school of discipleship . Choose one of the following activities to do as a family or design a similar activity of your own : → On occasion during family prayers , instead of reciting a traditional prayer read the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount .
→ When there is confl ict in the home , take time to pause to refl ect on the attitude in your heart . Then act seeing yourself and the other as children of God .
→ Randomly celebrate a “ Beatitude Day ” by marking the calendar as such . This celebration is choosing joy no matter what is happening throughout the day and letting the actions of the Beatitudes guide your choices . At the end of the day , discuss your experiences as a family .
Consider enacting the Works of Mercy as the way to act out the Beatitudes . Let the loving attitude in your heart guide you in offering to others God ’ s merciful love . For example , when you comfort people who suffer , do not attempt to rush them through their sadness . Simply stand with them and let them know you share their sorrow .
For more ideas on ways that your family can live as disciples of Jesus , visit
1 . Sin is turning away from god and his love , freely choosing to do or say what we know is against god ’ s Law .
2 . The sources of morality are the object of the act , the intention of the agent , and the circumstances surrounding the act .
3 . Our conscience helps us to judge whether an act is good or evil .
This cardinal virtue is also referred to as wisdom . Saint Thomas Aquinas defined prudence as “ right reason in action .” With experience comes wisdom , and prudence is often the guide for growing in wisdom .
In chapter 18 , Making Moral Choices , your child learned : → the Church guides us in making wise decisions to live as faithful followers of Jesus Christ . prudence is the cardinal virtue that helps us make good moral choices .
→ When we freely and knowingly choose an act that is evil , we sin ; we turn away from God and offend him .
→ these three things determine the morality of our actions : the object of the act , our intention in doing the act , and the circumstances surrounding the act .
→ a good conscience helps us to judge if an act is good or evil ; and guides us in avoiding evil and doing the good .
For more about related teachings of the Church , see the Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1750 – 1761 , 1776 – 1876 ; and the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults , pages 311 – 321 .
For the Hebrew people , proverbs were a source of wisdom . In this story , some contemporary students find value in the Proverbs too .
In honor of Saint John Bosco , who was known for mixing faith and fun , the boys at Don Bosco High School have a tradition in which they challenge each other by quoting Scripture while juggling . It keeps their minds sharp and their bodies coordinated . Plus , the fun is a nice distraction from the poverty and turmoil of their inner-city life . The one who lasts the longest is the “ new Don .” This respectful title means “ nobleman ” in Italian . A sense of brotherhood among the boys results from the challenge .
“ Yeah ! Dominic ! Get ready to call me Don Roberto !” shouted Robert . “ You are on !” Dominic hollered back . “ So you think you ’ ve got what it takes ?” Dominic said , ready to juggle .
Robert and Dominic squared up in front of each other , while other boys circled around them in anticipation of who would be first to drop out . They began to juggle , and Robert started quoting first since he was the challenger .
“ Proverbs 29:8 — Arrogant men set the city ablaze , but wise men calm the fury !” Robert said confidently . The crowd cheered . Still juggling , Dominic went next , “ Proverbs 16:8 — Better a little with virtue , than a large income with injustice .”
“ Proverbs 11:19 — Virtue directs toward life , but he who pursues evil does so to his death ,” Robert said , as he almost dropped a juggling ball . Dominic then moved closer to Robert saying , “ Proverbs 15:4 — A soothing tongue is a tree of life , but a perverse one crushes the spirit .” The crowd waited for Robert ’ s return .
Robert stood his ground saying , “ Proverbs 24:3 — By wisdom is a house built , by understanding is it made firm .” Just then , Dominic lost his balance , and the juggling balls scattered . Dominic was disappointed , but out he went over to Robert and said , “ Nice one , Don Roberto !”
Who helps you to make good moral choices ?
→ Spend one on one time with your children doing an
Spend time reading through activity they enjoy . Offer sections in the Book of proverbs bits of advice or “ kernels of with your child . Select proverbs wisdom ” to help them in life . together to memorize . Keep them both in your mind and your heart as you make daily choices in life . Discernment is vital to living a moral life and making our spiritual journey . an examination of conscience
The Christian home and is one traditional tool that family is a school of discipleship . facilitates our use of the spiritual
Choose one of the following discipline of discernment . In activities to do as a family or this chapter , your child used design a similar activity of an examination of conscience your own : as part of the closing prayer . → Discuss as a family how this Use this or another form of an
statement applies to making examination of conscience moral decisions :“ right is right every day . even if everyone is against it ; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it .”
For more ideas on ways that your family can live as disciples of Jesus , visit www . BeMyDisciples . com
A Additional background and teaching tips Every page brings greater confidence and creativity to catechesis .
B We Remember This section provides guidelines for leading children in a brief review of chapter content and a short Chapter Review activity .
C We Pray Lessons end as they begin — with prayer . This section provides instructions for leading prayers , and ideas for involving the students and enhancing their prayer experience .
D With My Family This section enables catechists to assist families in guiding faith formation at home .
E Three optional activities Enrich or extend the learning for each chapter .
F Catholic Social Teaching
→ Have students carefully tear-out the With My Family page along the perforation .
The last teaching box in each unit highlights
Encourage them to share the pages with their family and to complete the activities together home .
→ If the students did not or were
a principle of Catholic Social Teaching not able to complete that the Chapter
Review , encourage them to complete it with their family . was addressed . A related Enriching → Point out the chapter title and theme of next week ’ s lesson .
Visit www . BeMyDisciples . com
Lesson activity on the facing page reinforces
→ Take time with the students
to explore the many activities and resources available at this teaching for the children . www . BeMyDisciples . com .
Enriching the Lesson
Designing Proverb Bumper Stickers
To reinforce that the Book of
→ Distribute Bibles and allow time for children to explore the Book of Proverbs .
construction paper
Proverbs provides
markers or
maxims to guide us
→ Have the students work with partners to design bumper stickers
in making decisions
using a proverb from the Bible .
to live as children of God ( taught on
→ Have volunteers explain how the proverbs guide them in making a difference in their own life and in the lives of other
page 164 )
people .
→ Display the bumper stickers as reminders to the students to live their faith .
Solving Moral Dilemmas
To reinforce that
→ Present a moral dilemma to the class . Note : You might even
knowing what
invite the students to develop their own moral dilemmas .
pen or
determines the
morality , the
→ Ask the students to work in small groups to write a skit to resolve
goodness or evil ,
the moral dilemma .
of human acts will
→ Have each group present their skits and have the class discuss
help us make wise
the effectiveness of the solutions presented in each skit .
moral decisions
( taught on
page 165 )
→ Encourage especially them and their families to discover the many resources available at the Web site .
Before Moving On …
As you finish today ’ s lesson , reflect on the following question before moving on to the next chapter .
How well do I provide activities that honor the different learning styles in my class ?
With My Family
This Week ...
Chapter Review
Examination of Conscience
Best Response Extension . after students complete the Chapter review , invite the class as a whole to come up with other scenarios that present young people with situations where they need to make moral decisions about their actions . Invite volunteers to describe the situations to the class and then have a class discussion to identify the object , intention , and circumstance of each situation presented . In addition , discuss the morality of the act that the students present .
Sharing God ’ s Word
We Live as Disciples
Our Spiritual Journey
See page 114 – 115
www . BeMyDisciples . com
Life and Dignity of the Human Person . All humans are created in the image and likeness of God and , therefore , all life is sacred . This is the source of our fundamental dignity as human persons . Every person ’ s basic dignity demands our respect . Because of this dignity , every human has fundamental human rights — a right to life , to the means to live a decent and healthy life , to meaningful work , and to freedom — within the limits required for the common good . Corresponding to these rights are responsibilities to one another . These rights and responsibilities exist side by side , and are not “ either-or ” choices . The young people reviewed concepts related to this principle in Chapter 17 , where they learned more about the gift of God ’ s abundant grace ; in Chapter 19 , where they learned the Golden Rule ; and in Chapter 20 , which reinforced the proper behaviors toward those who are most in need of being treated with dignity . Use the last activity on the next page to reinforce this teaching .
→ Ask the students who they consider to be wise . Explain the good advice of wise people is often passed on through generations . The wisdom of the Israelites was handed on in proverbs .
→ Explain that wisdom is more than abstract ideas . Wisdom often comes as result of practical experience . Read the Disciple Power feature and point out the connection between prudence and wisdom .
→ Explain that Saint John Bosco helped youth who lived in poverty by teaching them how to make good moral decisions .
→ Ask volunteers to do a dramatic reading of the text . Serve as the narrator yourself . Explain that the high school boys are living out the values of St . John Bosco : reason , religion , and kindness .
Remind the class that the proverbs are part of the Wisdom books of the Old Testament . Encourage them to memorize proverbs that can guide their lives .
→ Invite the students to list people in their lives whom
CONCLUDE they can turn to for good advice .
→ Emphasize that the Church guides We Remember
us in making good moral decisions .
→ Introduce and explain the Chapter
→ Discuss what good advice they have Review .
been given that helped them make
→ Read good the moral decisions dilemma . to the class . Have each student write the object , intention and circumstances on a separate sheet of paper .
→ Invite the whole class to discuss what they wrote . Provide the correct answers making sure each student understands the correct responses . Have the students write the 268 correct Student answers in page their 164 books .
→ Review key points from the chapter using statements in the To Help You Remember section .
We Pray
→ Gather the students for the closing prayer . Introduce the prayer by reviewing an examination of conscience . Recall the last one in Chapter 13 .
→ Select a leader and a reader and offer them a moment to prepare .
→ Together pray beginning and ending with the Sign of the Cross .
→ Encourage the young people to memorize the psalm verse and to include it in daily prayer .
Disciple Power
Mixing Faith and Fun
Prudence . Invite the students to think about some of the life lessons they have learned since they were in kindergarten . For example : if you want a pet you must take care of it ; if you want to make good grades , you must study hard ; it ’ s important to give everyone on the team a chance to play in the game . explain that as we learn these life lessons , we are growing in wisdom . prudence is putting that wisdom into action . For example , we may know that in order to be a good piano player we must practice often . But , if we don ’ t put that knowledge to work — if we never practice — we will not become a good piano player . In the same way , we might memorize the ten Commandments or the Works of Mercy . emphasize that if we never put God ’ s Commandments into action , we have not grown in prudence and wisdom .
This Week ... Sharing God ’ s Word
Our Spiritual Journey
We Live as Disciples
With My Family
→ Have students carefully tear-out
the With My Family page along the
perforation .
→ Encourage them to share the pages
with their family and to complete
the activities together at home .
→ If the students did not or were
not able to complete the Chapter
Review , encourage them to
complete it with their family .
→ Point out the chapter title and
theme of next week ’ s lesson .
Visit www . BeMyDisciples . com
Student Take time page with the 169students
to explore the many activities and resources available at www . BeMyDisciples . com .
Enriching the Lesson
→ Encourage especially them
and their families to discover the many resources
Creating available a Happiness Word Web the Web site .
To reinforce
→ Have the students work with partners to write profiles of a
that when we
happy person who helps them live the Beatitudes .
live as disciples
→ Have each set of partners read Matthew 5:3 – 12 .
of Jesus , we learn
pens or
to live as happy
→ Invite them to construct a web portraying a happy person .
people ( taught on
Have them write the name of the person in the circle and , on
page 182 )
the lines emanating from the circle , the qualities , based on
Matthew 5:3 – 12 , that makes that person happy .
→ Around the web have them add names of people whom they
Charity have and Almsgiving read about . Two or of know Chapter who 19 also ’ s suggested seem to activities demonstrate some
require of advanced these qualities preparation . . Three pieces of music are suggested
As you finish today ’ s lesson ,
as a way to explore the meaning of the theological virtue of charity
in the
→ Disciple Invite volunteers Power activity to . Look share ahead and to discuss this feature their box completed on page webs
reflect on the following
280 for with the suggested the entire songs class . The . With My Family page suggests
question before moving on to
that families fi nd new ways to give . Prepare in advance a list of
→ Encourage opportunities the in students your parish to and choose community one , and or several provide of the
the next chapter .
Web site qualities information on for their international web and outreach work toward organizations developing . See that quality
Do I follow up and ask the
the Partnering of a happy With Parents person feature in their box own on page life . 286 for specifi c
suggestions . Also on page 285 it is suggested that a person who
children to report on their
speaks Hebrew be invited to class to share in the closing prayer .
progress with their faith choices
each week ?
Creating CDs about Holy People
To reinforce 170
→ Have the students work in small groups to design a cover for a
that living the
CD called “ Holy People .”
Beatitudes helps
→ Ask the groups to create a list of song titles for the CD using
markers or
us to live holy
words and pictures that illustrate holiness in a person ’ s life .
lives ( taught on
page 183 )
→ Invite the groups to share their song titles and covers .
pens or pencils
Before Moving On …
Catholic Social Teaching : Living the Beatitudes
To reinforce the principle of the
→ Using the box on page 298 , explain why we treat all people with dignity .
dignity of the human person addressed throughout this unit
→ Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to brainstorm kinds of people in our society whom they believe are treated
with the least respect . Have them make lists of their ideas and to write their lists on the board .
→ Ask the students to vote on a category that they would like to focus on . Together , create an action plan responding to this need . Invite the classroom groups each to devise a poster , a public service announcement , a skit , or some similar idea . Explore the possibility of having the class sponsor a Human Dignity Day for the other classes .


Creating Conscience Cartoons
298 Student page 186
Purpose Directions Materials
To reinforce that our conscience guides us to judge what is right and what is wrong ( taught on page 166 )
→ Have the students work with partners to create cartoon-like illustrations with four frames illustrating characters listening to their conscience as they face and resolve a moral dilemma .
→ Have the students illustrate their cartoons and share them with the class .
→ Mount all the cartoons on mural paper and display them where others can enjoy and learn from them . art paper
fi ne point markers and pens
mural paper
View a free sample at



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