Quality Report 2015 | Page 2

EX EC UT IV E S UM M ARY C ON T E N TS CONTEXT 04 PERFORMANCE 12 TAKING QUALITY ENHANCEMENT FURTHER 20 RIGHT LEARNING IN THE RIGHT PLACE 30 DEVELOPING AYRSHIRE’S WORKFORCE 56 SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES 64 CONSULTATION 72 STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE 73 SCQF FRAMEWORK 74 KEY DOCUMENTS 75 AYRSHIRE COLLEGE ONLINE 76 ANNEX 78 2 AYRSHIRE COLLEGE / QUALITY REPORT 2014/15 This quality report of Ayrshire College covers the second year of activity post-merger. The College now plays a central role in the delivery of the Single Outcome Agreements for the three Community Planning Partnerships in Ayrshire focusing on the key themes of: • Economy and Skills • Building Community Capacity • Tackling Inequalities This enables the College to contribute in partnership with key stakeholders to a wide range of areas which benefit the community, and complements our core business of skills development. Session 2014-15 was very challenging due to a range of factors. At the start of the year new college systems were introduced which took time to embed. An extended period of difficult employee relations meant that for some students their journey was not as consistent as previous years. In addition, the under resourcing of student funding meant that there was great uncertainty for students from a very early stage in their engagement with the College.