Quality Report 2015 | Page 16

PE R F O R M A N CE Evaluating our performance The team evaluation process was enhanced during 201415, with curriculum and service staff focusing on the themes of student progress and outcomes; learning and teaching; student engagement; support for learning; leadership and quality culture; and the capacity to improve. In partnership with Education Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council, we held a comprehensive quality week in May 2015, evaluating all ten curriculum areas. The Action Learning Pilot project team (comprising vice principals, quality enhancement staff and Education Scotland) worked with each curriculum team for a full day to evaluate performance and identify actions for further improvement. Taking part in the day with curriculum and service staff were employers, external stakeholders and students. From these subject reviews the following strengths were identified: Excellent external engagement with employers, industry bodies and community organisations which influences course design, creates opportunities for students and provides validation of provision Where courses were offered on more than one campus, provision across the region was standardised to provide clear progression routes through the SQCF framework and ensure smoother transitions for students within the College and with other institutions Excellen ]