ProTeam - Module 1

Module 1 I Can Self-Reflect Overview MODULE GOAL: The purpose of this module is to provide the opportunity for students to become better acquainted with themselves and begin answering the question, “Who am I?” Emphasis should be placed on self-reflection and personal growth as they learn how to be reflective young adults. MODULE ASSESSMENT: The students will choose an animal or car that they feel reflects their personality traits. They will list the traits and write a poem or journal entry explaining why they feel they share these traits. Teachers may want to create their own module assessment and/or allow students to design their own, provided the teacher approves it ahead of time. ACTIVITIES: 1.A. WHAT’S IN A NAME? (MAN: YL AND S) 1.B. WHAT MAKES ME UNIQUE (MAN: YL AND S) 1.C. THE SELF-DISCOVERY SUB (MAN: YL AND S) 1.D. LET YOUR TRUE COLORS SHINE THROUGH (MAN: YL AND S) 1.E. CAREER PLANNING BOARD WALK (MAN: YL AND S) 1.F. A “ME” T-SHIRT (MAN: YL; OPT: S) 1.G. STARRING . . . (OPT: YL AND S) 1.H. STEPPIN’ OUT (OPT: YL AND S) 1.I. STRESSED OUT (OPT: YL AND S)           PROTEAM DREAMQUEST CURRICULUM   1-1