Pro Installer November 2013 - Issue 08 ISSUE 08 | NOVEMBER 2013 FREE » 18 Minions Takeover » 20 Don’t Worry, Be ‘Appy!’ » 44 Showing PVCu The Door » 61 First Of Many YOUR MTC QUESTIONS ANSWERED All you wanted to ask about MTCs answered by webinar programme. Due to popular demand FENSA will be hosting a one-hour online Webinar on ‘Minimum Technical Competencies’ (MTC) this autumn. The Webinar is free and will provide a great deal of useful information. There will also be the opportunity to have your questions answered. Date and time is as follows: Thursday 28 Nov, 1.00pm Just log in to www.fensa. where you will be able to register. Webinars for Transition to Certified Installer (TCI) will be announced shortly. Look after your feet this Autumn. Page 33. Keep the cold out this Winter. Page 27. FENSA is also running a programme of online Q&A sessions on both MTCs and Transition to Certified Installer (TCI). Dates and times are:19/11 (1-2.00pm) 12/12 (7-8.00pm) TCI - 4/12 (1-2.00pm) ‘the most effective route to provide the same information to a bigger, more widely dispersed audience’ Just log in using your Twitter account and tweet: @FENSA_Windows. “We were overwhelmed by the numbers of installers who wanted to attend the FENSA seminars at the FIT Show,” commented Chris Mayne, FENSA Managing Director. “We think this is the most effective route to provide the same information to a bigger, more widely dispersed audience.” The MTC webinars are open to non-FENSA registered businesses, installers and surveyors.