Pro Installer February 2017 - Issue 47 | Page 43

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Stress in the workplace is a destructive but avoidable force within many companies . Unchecked , it robs employees of their creativity , innovation and motivation . Currently national statistics indicate that stress costs every business £ 3,725 per annum , for every UK employee .
If you are an employer you can choose to ignore this loss of profit , but by law , you have a legal obligation to protect the health and safety of your employees and that includes their mental wellbeing . If you are an employee stress can have a serious impact on your health , happiness and family life . Francis McGinty , from WorkingforWellbeing , has shared 10 top tips for easing stress : 1 . Learn to say no . Not easy , but it can be done . If you are overwhelmed , let your boss know that your day is full and ask which tasks to prioritise . 2 . Take regular breaks . We actually achieve more by switching our attention from active to relaxed and back again , even if it ’ s just for a few minutes .
3 . Take 10 deep breaths . This allows your brain to receive more oxygen . 4 . Take a walk . Try walking that little bit further , use the stairs , even move the rubbish bin somewhere where you have to get up from your desk and walk to it . 5 . Stretch . Yogis know that when we are physically flexible , we are more able to go with the flow mentally and emotionally . 6 . Learn a quick-fix tapping routine . Thought Field Therapy ( or Tapping as it ’ s commonly known ) is an incredible way to reduce the cortisol levels that stress creates very quickly . For the tapping routine you can read Tapping the Healer within by Dr Roger Callaghan or e-mail francis @ workingforwellbeing . co . uk for a free download .
7 . Dream . Shut your eyes for a single minute and imagine that you are in your favourite place . See it , hear it , smell it , taste it and feel you are there . 8 . Don ’ t skip lunch . Your brain can ’ t function rationally when you are hungry .
‘ Music is a great way of relaxing the brain ’
9 . Have a glass of water . Your brain needs to be hydrated . 10 . Listen to a good piece of music . Music is a great way of relaxing the brain . ChocolateBuddha . co . uk has just the thing .
For a more long-term solution ask your boss to introduce a wellbeing programme .
For more information , contact francis @ workingforwellbeing . co . uk

Acquisition will develop national brand

An independent European business in electrical and mechanical engineering has acquired Trios Group - the national UK organisation which provides technical services .
SPIE , which also offers energy and communication services , says Birmingham-based Trios Group will enhance its UK technical facility management division .
First established in 1919 , Trios has expanded steadily to generate revenues of £ 65m in the year to 31 March 2016 . It operates across commercial , local government , health , education , distribution
, leisure and retail markets . The business delivers virtually all of its maintenance and compliance services through three divisions : property maintenance , legal & statutory compliance
and access & security . It employs 690 staff across five offices in Birmingham , Enfield , Cirencester , Basingstoke and Warrington . The acquisition of Trios Group grows SPIE UK ’ s presence in compliance
and building maintenances across the retail and leisure markets . The company ’ s strong presence across the heart of the UK will enhance SPIE ’ s own offering in the region and help develop its national brand .
SPIE worldwide has 39,000 employees working from 600 sites in 38 countries and generated revenues of € 5.3bn in 2015 .
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