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for more sophisticated data analysis, including the ability to compare performance of first-time test takers to those who take the assessments multiple times. Rather than introduce custom assessments at the same time for all endorsements, TDOE is interested in implementing assessments for reading and secondary mathematics first. Performance Assessments Since 2012, Tennessee has permitted teacher candidates to take and pass a performance assessment known as edTPA in lieu of the Praxis PLT assessment. The TBR’s four-year institutions, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville require all teacher candidates to pass edTPA. Custom Content Assessments There are currently 16 states across the country that use custom licensure assessments that are aligned to their state standards including Illinois, Massachusetts, and Georgia. Many of the states implementing these custom designed assessments have contracts with a group known as the National Evaluation Systems—affiliated with Pearson. It is still too early to tell if these custom content assessments can better identify teaching effectiveness, but some important implementation lessons have emerged. For example, New York has loosened its requirements for teachers to pass their state-created exams due to low pass rates, especially for candidates of color. Between January and June 2015, approximately 1,000 teacher candidates in Tennessee, representing about 20 percent of completers in the state, took edTPA. These assessments typically include 15 rubrics, each of which are scored on a scale of five points, which add up to a total maximum possible score of 75.46 The standard-setting panel for edTPA, which consists of educational stakeholders from K-12 and higher education, recommend a score of 42 points as the professional performance standard.47 TBR institutions are required to set a passing cut score of 37 or higher. There are several benefits to edTPA. It creates a common set of performance-based criteria for all teacher candidates and, because of its use across the country, performance of teachers in Tennessee can be compared to teachers nationwide. According to the TDOE, edTPA grading rubrics are also well aligned to the TEAM teacher evaluation rubric. Because edTPA is scored externally, the assessment provides an unbiased perspective on teacher candidates’ performance. There are also concerns over reciprocity. Twenty teachers from other states sued the Minnesota Board of Teaching in 2015 over delays regarding certification decisions. What is edTPA? The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) in association with the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education created edTPA as a portfolio assessment for teacher education students. It is meant to be a summative assessment for teacher candidates before they enter the classroom, and its rubric has three measurement components: Assessment, Planning, and Instruction. Candidates submit their completed portfolios to Pearson for scoring, for which teachers and teacher education faculty from across the nation receive training. There are 27 different versions of edTPA assessments, including subject-specific portfolio assessments as well as elementary, middle school, and high school areas. 28