Prepared for Day One | Page 19

to present it. In total, the SBE heard from 468 stakeholders. The board also looked at report card examples from other states and convened a Report Card Advisory Council in 2016 to provide input on the development of the report card and a communications strategy. The report card metrics include: • Candidate Profile • Cohort composition • Academic background (including ACT and GPA) • Demographics (including racial and ethnic diversity and percentage of high-demand endorsements) • Employment rates • Placement rates • Retention rates • Satisfaction (both employer and completer) • Provider impact (TVAAS and observation scores) Employment Rates • Placement rates refer to the number and percentage of candidates placed in Tennessee public schools after the first and third year following program completion. • Retention rates refer to the number and percentage of placed completers who remain working in Tennessee public schools in the third and fifth years following placement. Turn to page 37 for our recommendations to increase access to and transparency of data on EPPs. In future years, the Teacher Preparation Report Card will include employer and program completer satisfaction data. The SBE chose these metrics to focus more clearly on outcomes, including employer satisfaction and impact on student achievement, to align with CAEP standards. The board also wanted to highlight metrics that signaled preparedness of teacher candidates and the quality of the cohort of candidates enrolling