Potential Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 50

• Attorneys with superior lexicons win more cases because they can effectively persuade .
• Leaders in sales say vocabulary is essential to their ability to sway potential clients .
• Graduate students with superior vocabularies were better able to present and defend their research .
• Make more money

wise words vocabulary matters

The Top Predictor of Job Success by Megan Dorsey

“ He sounds like he knows what he ’ s talking about .”
“ I ’ m not sure what she said , but she sounds smart .”
Vocabulary is so much more than a Friday quiz in English class or a pile of flashcards used to prepare for the SAT . Like it or not , we are judged on how we present ourselves to others and vocabulary plays a crucial role .
Whether watching candidates debate , listening to a sales presentation or reading persuasive articles , we have all seen situations where the person who can express him or herself eloquently and precisely is given greater credibility .
The business world spends a considerable sum each year to put executives through “ vocabulary boot camp .” Here ’ s why – studies show :

• Attorneys with superior lexicons win more cases because they can effectively persuade .

• Leaders in sales say vocabulary is essential to their ability to sway potential clients .

• Graduate students with superior vocabularies were better able to present and defend their research .

Johnson O ’ Conner Research Laboratory conducted numerous studies showing how word knowledge impacts employment .
Apps for Developing Your Vocabulary : iPhone :
AccelaStudy Vocabulary Builder MindSnacks
Android :
PowerVocab Words , Words , Words
That research shows people with superior vocabularies : Have higher IQs Command greater respect Read faster and comprehend more Are considered more intelligent Interview better Are promoted faster and more often

• Make more money

Who wouldn ’ t want these traits ? After studying 39 manufacturing companies , Johnson O ’ Conner additionally found vocabulary was the single best predictor of an employee ’ s position with the company . Results on a vocabulary test were more effective in predicting who was an executive , manager , foreman , or floor boss than other factors such as level of education . We can argue that this is a chicken-or-egg situation , but either way , vocabulary is influential .
I don ’ t know about you , but after all this , I think I might want to brush up on a little extra vocabulary !
For more information on the My Vocabulary Success Coach weekly email lessons visit : collegeprepllc . com / myvocabularysuccesscoach /
Megan Dorsey is a college admissions expert and savvy SAT prep instructor who has helped thousands of students prepare for college admission . For more info visit CollegePrepResults . com
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