Potential Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 44

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Montgomery Academy Students Travel to Italy
Forty-four students and six chaperones spent ten days in Italy over Montgomery Academy ’ s Thanksgiving break . Instead of turkey and dressing on Thanksgiving Day , the group enjoyed an authentic pizza dinner and while students and adults missed being home for Thanksgiving , they experienced the trip of a lifetime .
Highlights of the trip included a cab ride down the canals of Venice , a visit to St . Mark ’ s Church , Michelangelo ’ s David , the Duomo and the Church of Santa Croce , a tour of the ancient city of Pompeii , and Rome , where they enjoyed pizza , pasta , and gelati . They spent time at the Vatican , seeing the magnificent Sistine Chapel and then visiting Saint Peter ’ s Basilica . The Colosseum was quite impressive , and the Forum reminded everyone of the Roman legacy . The Pantheon represented geometric perfection . They tossed coins into the Trevi Fountain to determine their future . They saw the unusual spectacle of the bones of the Capuchin monks on display in the crypt below their church . After a walk up the many Spanish Steps , everyone was ready to head for home the next day .
These students now truly understand the motto of the American Council for International Studies ( ACIS ): Travel Changes Lives . They returned home with memories that they will cherish forever , having seen firsthand so many of the sites that they discuss in the classroom and having experienced for just a few days life outside of the world here in Montgomery . Many of the students now have plans to return to Italy someday to study or to spend more time in some of their favorite places .

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L20 | Spring 2017 www . potentialmagazine . com