Potential Magazine September 2014 | Page 26

happy+healthy e-cigarettes TOBACCO-FREE by Jasmine York SMOKE SCREEN The use of electronic cigarettes is growing to be a billion-dollar industry. While some may tout “vaping” as a safer alternative than “smoking” conventional cigarettes, there are similar health hazards in using either of these nicotine-filled products plus a few potential dangers specific to e-cigarettes. HERE’S WHAT STUDIES HAVE SHOWN: •  icotine, which is not only addictive, may also harm the N arteries after repeated use. •  oth cigarette types alter lung function, causing airway B resistance and cellular changes. •  iquid nicotine is extracted from tobacco and a small dose L (less than a tablespoon) can be lethal. •  articles found in e-cigarette vapor have been shown to be P harmful to cardiovascular tissues. •  ere has been reported incidents of some rechargeable Th e-cigarette devices exploding when charging in people’s homes. PARENTAL WATCH-OUTS: Although traditional cigarette ads have been banned from TV since the 70s, e-cigarette ads have not yet been excluded and records show that these ads have been exposed to more than 24 million adolescents, possibly explaining why H