Potential Magazine May 2015 | Page 9

parental guidance: “My dad, Bud Jones, taught me the value of blue collar hard work. He made a living with his hands (as a logger). He took me to church every Sunday, made sure I knew my kin-folk and kept a roof over my head. He always told me to be my own man, and taught me how to make my own decisions and stand by it. My mom, Terri Johnson, was a police officer, and she always wanted me to look after my baby sister. My stepmom, Ilene Jones, treated me like an adult when I was young. I used to hate it but it helped me grow out of immature habits and taught me responsibility. Between the three of them and the rest of my family, I had a solid village to raise me.” success story: “The Marine Corps is one of the major factors in my success. I needed the structure and added discipline of the military to really understand myself and unlock the groundwork my family laid down.” advice for parents: “Parents have to make sure they lay a solid enough foundation that their kids don’t break when the weight of society hits them when they leave home. Bend, but don’t break.” reality check: “When I started acting, I began meeting people I grew up watching in movies. I realized how normal they were! Some of them were really cool and helpful. I didn’t think established individuals would give a helping hand to a young country boy from Alabama.” advice for teens: “Don’t make decisions based on your high school sweetheart. You’re way too young for that, and you both have a lot of growing up to do.” rookie mistake: “Skipping class and not doing homework.” looking ahead: “In 5-10 years, I hope I’m still IMAGE COURTE SY OF COOK AL LENDER making movies. Whether I’m writing, directing or acting, I’m happy.” Nick on set with Gary Oldman and Shia LaBeouf, in the upcoming film, “Man Down.” www.potentialmagazine.com 9