Potential Magazine March 2015 | Página 34

cuisine breakfast recipes after-prom breakfast bash Hosting your teen’s friends after the prom and looking for ideas to feed a hungry group? Forego the usual chips and dip and throw a latenight breakfast party instead! Here’s a few easy rise-andshine favorites that are sure to please the late-night crew, too. Use this basic batter recipe as a base for kids to customize with their own favorite toppings. Makes about 6 waffles. Crockpot Southern Grits Step away from the stove—these smooth, creamy grits require no babysitting. Serves 6. 10 cups water 2 ½ cups long cooking grits 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon salt (or to taste) Toppings (optional): Crumbled bacon, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped green onion, etc. Add all ingredien