Potential Magazine Feb/March 2013 | Seite 24

PROMposals? Remember your hands shaking as you picked up your brick phone to call and ask your date to prom? Talk about nerve-racking. Today the “ask” has become one of the most talked about aspects of the event. From posting “PROM?” on a roadside billboard to serenading a classroom full of teenagers with an original song, the “promposals” become more extravagant every year. Dads, share your stories about asking dates to prom to help your son understand all the nerves are to be expected. to do’s for guys helping your son get ready for prom the clothes rent a suit or tux Take your son to get measured for his tuxedo. There’s a place between the “I borrowed dad’s tuxedo” and “I squeezed into Pee-wee Herman’s tuxedo” look that you should aim for. give a practical lesson Teach him how to tie his own tie. the car tidy up together Help him get his car “date-ready.” Make a morning of it, starting with a father-son breakfast followed by an intense car cleaning, both inside and out. be prepared Make sure he’s got a full tank of gas. There aren’t many things worse than being stranded on the side of the road with a date in the car. the cash double check the details Don’t let him walk out of the house without his wallet and enough money for the night. Seems like a no-brainer, but still it happens all the time. It’s not a bad idea to give him a credit card in case of emergencies. how to be A gentleman a mom’s advice: “It is important for your son to call the father of his date and let him know the details of the night. It is a great idea for the father to know what time his daughter will be picked up, who is driving, where she will be having dinner, who she is having dinner with, what time the dance starts, when it is over, if there is an activity afterwards and the exact time he will be bringing her home. It holds the young man accountable to take care of his date throughout the night and have her safely home on time.” -Ruthie Carlson image courtesy of men’s wearhouse 24 www.potentialmagazine.com image by Bryan Carter ate pad tting u se