Potential Magazine Feb/March 2013 | Page 16

happy+healthy skincare ACNE ANSWERS Acne is arguably the most frustrating issue many teens face. As a parent, you see how acne can affect teens physically. What you may not see are the emotional effects it can have as well. It’s important to educate yourself and your kids about acne and treating it effectively. What Causes Acne Acne lesions develop when small glands in the skin called sebaceous glands secrete excessive amounts of oil called sebum. Bacteria called P. acnes feed off dead skin cells that are dragged into the pores, which leads to inflammation and redness caused by a bacterial infection. When not treated correctly, pores begin to swell and even become sealed off from the air. Acne commonly forms during teenage years because of increased hormone levels that enlarge sebaceous glands and increase oil production. When to Seek Treatment If your teen has recurring problems with whiteheads or large cystic acne lesions, consider taking your teen to see a dermatologist. If your teen’s acne is less frequent, leave the X