Potential Magazine Fall 2012 | Page 29

claim to fame Zoe Portis is in 7th grade at Trinity Presbyterian School. She’s got a large, loving family and a great group of friends. But only a few years ago, a seven-year-old Zoe’s picture looked much bleaker. She lived in a mud hut in Ethiopia where she had to walk miles for water and felt the pangs of real hunger all to often. She had no education. After the deaths of her entire family, her future was uncertain. But when Cole and Joy Portis adopted Zoe and brought her to their home in Montgomery, she was given the opportunity so many children take for granted, the chance to go to school. And it was a chance she seized. Despite not knowing a syllable of English, she entered 1st grade. Her enthusiasm for learning pushed her past the language barrier, and by the end of 2nd grade, she was in the highest reading group and won the trophy for most Advanced Reader points. “It is the accomplishment that I am most proud of,” she said. all-around achiever josef jackson Zoe’s academic progress has been stellar for any student and made even more impressive by what she’s overcome. Her pure determination and zeal for life have earned her the admiration of teachers and friends. She was recently voted class favorite. She runs cross-country, plays soccer and basketball and is learning more of her native language, Amharic. But her gratitude and gracious manner truly set Zoe a part. “God has been so gracious to me. I have a wonderful family and friends who accepted me and welcomed me with love.” She’s considering devoting her life to mission work. But she’s also interested in being a model. “I love fashion and being in front of the camera. I am always posing for the camera and I love it!” PG (parental guidance) rating zoe portis “My parents have done so much for me I don’t even know where to start. First of all, they adopted me and gave me a future. They brought me to their home, and I am able to say I have a Mom and a Dad. They have been great role models to me by showing me what love is and teaching me about Jesus. parents’ perspective Cole, a local attorney, and Joy, a stay-at-home mom have been overjoyed to see the young lady Zoe has become. “When she got the AR trophy, I was blown away,” Joy said. “She attacks everything with that same passion: soccer, piano, basketball, running, friendships, helping with her siblings, missions, etc.  She realizes she is blessed with many opportunities and she doesn’t take them for granted. We are blessed to call her daughter! “ Cole and Joy know that some of who Zoe is comes from her early childhood. “She has so many life experiences that have shaped her character and attitude.  I just encourage her to keep her focus on Christ and His plan for her and the gifts He has given her,” Joy said. “She recently returned to Ethiopia on a mission trip and her passion and love for Ethiopia is so evident.  As her mom I try to recognize areas where she is gifted and areas of interest and provide opportunities to mature them as she explores life.” Cole echoed his wife. “Even after losing her biological mother and father, as well as her beloved grandmother, God instilled in Zoe a wonderful nature to be content in her circumstances and to do her best in the environment where she is placed.  Zoe now understands that God was working all things together for good. As a result of her confidence in God, she genuinely is kind and generous with others,” he said. 29