Popular Culture Review Vol. 8, No. 2, August 1997 | страница 134

130 Popular Culture Review that technology has rendered useless such former obstacles as borders, geographic barriers and governmental edicts? A CNN spokesperson, Steve Haworth, explained his company's viewpoint in a personal correspondence: CNN is an independent news network which must make its own judgement about whether to report information which we have gathered and which one government or another may claim is endangering to troops or personnel. The international public's right to know and a government's obligation to protect the lives of troops and other personnel occasionally clash. The difficult, sometimes painful, decision lies with us, as do the consequences of our decision. (Haworth, March 2,1992.) Rather than calling for an end to real time news coverage, this writer is requesting media observers to structure their comments to a more meaningful end and curtail the cheap shots and infighting. For instance, what should be the guidelines for international war coverage? If there is a worldwide code of journalism, is it only viable until the first challenge from a power hungry tyrant? In the turmoil of armed conflict, can reporting be perfectly packaged? Below are listed some of the many contributions of live coverage of war to popular culture: (1) One of the more important rewards is surveillance of the environment. This is what the three CNN reporters did so well on the first night of the bombing raids in Baghdad. (2) Since the reports could be received throughout the Middle East, the descriptions of the attacks took on the added significance of providing information to an audience potentially at risk. (3) Real time coverage has a unifying effect—the whole world's watching. CNN's coverage had global viewing, compared to American viewing or listening in previous wars. (4) Such reporting can actually have a comforting element. It takes away the unknown and substitutes a sense of normalcy. Viewers can watch an unsettling event, war, in the context of a familiar setting, a newscast. (5) With the immediacy, there is heightened awareness. When the normal viewing schedules are preempted, viewers can sense the