Popular Culture Review Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1994 | Page 69

Rap Music Resisting Resistance 65 persistence: "It seents like I’m locked in hell/ Lookin' over the edge, but the R never fell/ I tripped and slipped, ’cause my Nike’s got ripped/ Stand on my own two feet, come equipped." TTie image of standing on one’s own two feet and the idea that even the very poor can become wealthy and successful conforms nicely to the conservative image of "pulling oneself up by the bootstraps." Moreover, while overcoming desperate conditions and achieving success takes place through individual effort, the downfall into drugs or crime takes place through individual failure. This can be seen in the song by Ice-T "You Played Yourself’ which is both about how the life of crime and drugs can bring one’s downfall and how the responsibility for this downfall can only be placed on the individual who chooses such actions. The song speaks to a dealer who "ripped off all your family and your friends" and eventually is caught for murder and "landed on death row." Ice-T then asks, "Society’s fault?" and answers, "No/ Nobody put the crack into the pipe/ Nobody made you smoke off your life." This line indicates that the belief in individual responsibility has to some degree become questioned within Ice-T’s culture. Ice-T is attempting to rearticulate this belief. Of course, this perspective fails to recognize the severely impoverished conditions which make the escap>e through the use of drugs so tempting or the economic crisis which makes the illegal attainment of money the most practical.^ ^ Still, responsibility is a delicate issue within the black community, and its preaching does not mean society is accepted as flawless. That is, continued poverty and the recognition of historical oppression may create a bitterness which is used as an excuse for self destructive actions. Impoverished conditions by themselves may lead individuals to such actions, but the consciousness of them being an acceptable excuse may harm individuals’ desires to overcome these conditions. An attempt is thus being made to articulate self destructive actions into a discourse where they have no excuse. However, as Ice-T does this, he still fails to account for the conditions which brought such actions; he fails to articulate members of the impoverished community into a discourse which would more fully resolve the problems they face. The supp>ort for economic individualism is support for the American economic system of capitalism. Another way rap endorses capitalism is through the wealth of rap artists. It was mentioned above that the description of this wealth contradicted the message