Popular Culture Review Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1994 | Page 156

Popular Culture Review, the refereed jou rn al of the Far W est Popu lar and A m erican C ulture A ssociation s, sp on sored by the U n iv ersity o f N ev ad a, Las V egas, is p u blish ed tw ice yearly. M em bers o f the FW PC A /FW A C A receive each issu e as part of m em bership. Single copies may be purchased for $7.50 by individuals and $10.00 by institutions and libraries. Requests for back issues should be subm itted to the editor. Su b m ission s to Popular Culture Review should be sent to the editor. D epartm ent of English, U niversity of N evada, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The journal invites articles on all aspects of both popular and American culture. Q uery with SASE for guidelines. Correspondence a b o u t m e m b e rsh ip in F W P C A / FW A C A , w h ich in c lu d e s a su bscription to Popular Culture Review should be sent to Felicia F. Cam pbell, D epartm ent of English; University of N evada, Las Vegas, NV 89154. Popular Culture Review g r a te fu lly a c k n o w le d g e s th e contributions m ade to this journal by Jam es M alek, Dean of the UNLV College of Liberal A rts, the UNLV Departm ent of English, and Ray B. Brow ne and Pat Brow ne of the Popular C ulture and A m erican C ulture A ssociation s, w ithout whose help this pu blication would never have becom e a reality. A rticles published do not necessarily represent the opinions of, and are not the legal responsibility of Popular Culture Review. ISSN 1060-8125