Popular Culture Review Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1994 | Página 138

134 Popular Culture Review products on QVC. Interpersonal attraction is established and a buying relationship is built upon this foundation. Another strategy is the use of personal stories which either relate directly to the caller and/or the product for sale. These personal narratives enhance relational bonds by fostering a sense of contmon ground and similarity, increasing cohesiveness and credibility (Deal & Kennedy, 1982; Wood, 1982; Mohan, 1992; Pohl & Hartman, 1992). The following are a few stories which are generated on QVC by the hosts. Let me tell you a little story. My wife loves to rearrange furniture. It's like a hobby for her. Just recently we redid our bedroom and we did a little decorating. She moved the bed from one wall to the other and for 3 nights in a row 1 walked smack into the wall because I'd forgotten she'd moved the bed. With this lamp, the light is soft enough to be used as an accent___ (Dan Hughes, 1992) 1 remember when we were first married and we had my in-laws over for dinner. 1 was hoping we would have had something a little nicer. This dinnerware . . . . (Dan Hughes, 1992) Product Quality at Bargain Prices The second persuasive strategy used is product credibility. This strategy is defined as an influence strategy where the salesperson gives the buyer information related to the product itself (usefulness and quality of the product, and information pertinent to the purchase decision). The hosts offer explanations of the history of the product, materials used in making the product, uses of the product, quality of the product, and cost of the product (Pohl & Hartman, 1992). For example, a middle-aged woman from Louisville, Kentucky, ordered a 14 karat diamond ring with a 1 karat diamond for $620.00. The QVC retail appraisal was $1,000.00. The woman received the ring and took it to a jeweler in Louisville to be appraised. The jeweler said the ring should be appraised for $1200.00, at least. The woman was ecstatic with the her buy and the quality of the ring. Callers from all over the country give on-air testimonies concerning the quality and value of products purchased.