Popular Culture Review Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1993 | Page 84

82 Pogular^Culture^evi^^ kidnapp>ers, "John Jones," leads them to the office of "Limelight Management," a front of some kind which E.G. Fowler just happens to work for. Posing as Henry Kissinger, Murdock phones Limelight Management to invite Templeton Peck to "a friar's club roast." The agent who picks up the phone, David Vaughn (played by "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"'s David Hedi son), asks "Mr. Kissinger" if he recalls meeting him at the "CIA bomb briefings in 1967." ("Oh yes, David, how are you?", Murdock intones. "Nancy-wancy says hiseewisee.") The point of all of this is clear: the CIA has set up an elaborate scheme in order to use Face for its own diabolical purposes. The team must save their comrade from yet another conspiracy that is about to be set into motion. At this point, things begin to get a little complicated. While Hannibal and the others are trying to determine what the CIA is up to. Face is oblivious to any threat to his safety. When the team catches up with him at an interview with children's TV personality Chuckaluck the Chicken, Face insists that "all my antennae are up." Naturally, the instant he steps out of the studio lot, ninja-style warriors jump off of buildings, knock him out, and hoist him into an awaiting helicopter. (So much for the antennae.) Eventually, Hannibal, B.A., and Hunker catch up with David Vaughn and E.G. Fowler arguing over Vaughn's methods in a hotel room. By hanging Vaughn over the balcony, the A-Team learns that he is in charge of a CIA team known as "The Shop," whose mission is to use Templeton Peck to lure former Vietcong General Chong out into the open—Face dishonored the General's teenage daughter during the war, which is why Chong's forces have just nabbed "the cheese." Following another commercial break, all hell breaks loose. As CIA field operatives monitor the estate where Face is being held captive, the A-Team prepares its assault. Inside the main building, Chong is interrogating his prisoner, who wanly maintains his innocence ("this old world behavior of yours is very unhip" is Face's somewhat unreassuring response). Murdock, flying a stolen jet-pack, drops grenades on Chong's men—"I'll drop those pineapples like a crazed pigeon over a mounted statue," he promises Hannibal—while B.A. and Hannibal storm the main gate. The team's flying ace rescues Face and carries Chong into the general's own helicopter, and the ATeam makes its escape before the CIA has reached the grounds of the