Popular Culture Review Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1992 | Page 5

V olum e III, no. 1 Russian Mysticism in the West: Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky, 1876 - 1947.............................................. 1 The Mood Ring: Emblematic of the American Seventies......................................................................... 1 3 Empowerment and Hegemony: "Dynasty" for Teaching Hebrew I in America and Unlearning Zionism in Israel.................................................................................21 Invitation to the Dance: The "Deep Ecology" of Frank Waters.............................................................................. 3 3 On Photography and Mimesis: An Epistemological Investigation of Aunt Emma in Front of Old Faithful........................................................................... 41 Etiquette for the People: The Paradox of Manners in American Culture........................................................... 4 9 Carhenge: New Legend of the West................................. 6 5 Ads in America: Idols forthe Toyful Heart...................... 7 5