Popular Culture Review Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter 2015 | Page 96

1930s and 40s. E ducation is a m ajor part of this center, which has both individual “le arning" e xp erie nc e s and public lectures. R ese arch for scholars is also an importa nt part of the muse um, which has a de dic ate d archiv e on the low er level th at is av aila ble via prior arra ng e m e nt. C onte xtu aliz ation of ev e nts is importa nt is key; photos, ne wsp a p er articles, letters, and oth er prim ary sourc e material e ng a ge s visitors on an individual level—gu ests can re ad as much or as little as th e y wish, customizing th e ir le arning exp erie nc e . Intera ctive media is importa nt as well; archiv al foota g e of m ajor e ve nts runs continuously to complim e nt the exhibit. P atrons can sit and w atch ne wsre els th at ela borate on parts of the exhibit. Th es e te chnologic al e nh a nc e m e nts are be coming commonpla ce in most m ajor mus e ums and collections. T h e British Mus e um’s curre nt e xhibit A ncie nt Lives has brought the visitors’ exp erie nc e to a n e w te chnologic al level. T h e e xhibit of 8 (mostly E gyptian) mummie s from th e mus e um’s colle ction w ere submitte d to C A T scans. Th e mus e um the n made film foota g e of the scans, producing a digita l “unwra pping” o f th e mummie s’ layers. A s on e stands in front of the mummie s th e ms elv e s, th e ov erh e a d scre e ns rev e al the lay ers be hind the sarcoph agi. Visitors ca n touch se p ara te scre e ns to z oom in on sp e cific parts of the mummy— pre-sele cted highlights including a mule ts hidd en in the wra ppings, broken bones and injuries, hair braids, et cetera . T h e cura tors ha ve also use d 3D printing te chnology to print th e amulets tucke d inside f e a ch m um m y’s wra ppings; in this Way, visitors can ge t a close look at the obje cts adorning the bodies, a ccomp a nie d by e xpla n ations and religious signific a nc e— all without the risk of causing 92