Popular Culture Review Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter 2015 | Page 103

Arch a e ologists also give tours of the muse um, and conc e ntrate on the en situ na ture of the mus eum itself. Y et in ge neral, digital e ng a g e m e nt se e ms to far outw eigh atte mpts like this. Entry to the Acropolis Museum, Athens T h ere are num erous oth er w a ys mus e ums atte mpt to ke e p th e ir public eng a g e d via te chnology. T h e British Mus e um re c e ntly film e d and scre e ne d a 90 minute movie to a ccomp a ny th e ir Vikings: Life and Le ge nd exhibit. F e aturing two w ell-known historia ns, the film took vie w ers be hind th e sce n e s of th e e xhibit itself. T h at film is op en ed to th e aters worldwid e in Jun e 2014. Th e British Mus e um is also a forerunn er in intera ctive T witter promotion. T h e y hav e ev e nts like “Mystery O bje ct,” “ Born/Die d on this D a y” (a ccompa nie d by sk etch e s or portraits from th e collection), “Mummy Mond a y,” promotions for fre e, w e e kly public le cture s on various topics, “BM S elfie D ay," and so forth. T h e y get quite a bit of a ctivity via th e ir T witter and F ac ebook pages, and se e m to be at the forefront of te chnologic al innovations.