Popular Culture Review Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2014 | Page 60

56 meek high school chemistry teacher and part-time car-wash assistant — to become a cold, ruthless individual. It is this transformation — the result of his purposed descent into the drug underworld — that holds Breaking Bad together, giving it an almost perfect unity and revealing a shaping vision (quite accidentally, it seems) that borders on the Manichean. Manicheanism, a second century movement out of ancient Persia, was deemed heretical and demonic by the early Christian church. According to the Manichaean world view, the ongoing cosmic stmggle between good and evil, or light and darkness, has resulted in the universal triumph of evil. Theopedia provides an explanation: [The movement’s founder] Mani postulated two natures that existed from the beginning: light and darkness. The realm of light lived in peace, while the realm of darkness was in constant conflict with itself The universe is the temporary result of an attack of the realm of darkness on the realm of light, and was created by the Living Spirit, an emanation of the light realm, out of the mixture of light and darkness . . . A key belief in Manicheanism is that there is no omnipotent good power. This claim addresses a theoretical part of the problem of evil by denying the infinite perfection of God and postulating the two equal and opposite powers mentioned previously. The human person is seen as a battleground for these powers: the good part is the soul (which is composed of light) and the bad part is the body (composed of dark earth). The soul defines the person and is incormptible, but it is under the domination of a foreign [and demonic] power. According to The Encyclopedia o f Classical Philosophy, the Manichaean war between “darkness and light and the battles of various heavenly and demonic beings” have caused “the seeds of light, which [Mani] called the ‘suffering Jesus’ . . . to be entrapped in living entities, men, animals, and plants.” Darkness, the victor, slowly but surely extinguishes the light — it’s a phenomenon that is fully realized with the concluding episode of the series. Certainly, season one contains a few events that foreshadow darkness’ eventual victory, but the world of the first season is one that