Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer 2013 | Page 34

30 Populär Culture Review 8 According to Denise Alvarado, “works using the color purple are typically concemed with power, psychic ability, commanding, compelling, Controlling, or bending other’s to one’s will” ( Voodoo Hoodoo, 56). Black can be used to send “inflicting harm or destruction” on someone ( Voodoo Hoodoo, 57). 9 Pictures were taken from the film Angel Heart. Dir. Alan Parker. Lionsgate films, 1987. DVD. 10 Even though beetles do not play any role in the Voodoo religion, it should be noticed that according to old Egyptian beliefs, beetles symbolize rebirth of the deceased. Thus, they are a connection to the afterlife. Alan Parker might have decided to place the beetle on the altar simply to allude to Voodoo’s belief in the ancestors and the afterlife. 11 In the Mississippi Valley and especially in New Orleans, le Bondye can be compared to the Christian God, and the Iwa to the Catholic Saints, for example: The Iwa of Papa Legba, the gate keeper “who opens communication between humans and other Iwa, corresponds to St. Peter, keeper of the keys to heaven” (Anderson, Hoodoo 34); Erzulie, “who is considered to be a mother goddess,” represents love and beauty and finds its counterpart in the Virgin Mary (Malbrough 19). Unique to New Orleans’ Voodoo, the Iwa Ogun (warrior and blacksmith) represents Saint, St. Jude, and is honored and celebrated in “Our Lady of Guadalupe Church” on 411 North Rampart Street, New Orleans. 12 Gris-gris often comes in form of small cloth bags that are filled with hair and nail clippings as well as herbs and graveyard dust. According to the Louisiana Voodoo museum, gris-gris is “made to affect the magical properties of Voodoo.” 3 For the colonizers, these dolls were more than just talismans holding grigris. As magical links to the underworld, they symbolized “a war waged against your very soul” (Alvarado Voodoo Dolls, 3). ^ W h ile Crossing “refers to spiritual works that cause harm or bad luck [...], uncrossing refers to works that reverse it” (Alvarado, Voodoo Hoodoo 6). Works Cited Alvarado, Denise. The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook. Scotts Valley, CA. 2009. —. Voodoo Dolls in Magic and Ritual. Lexington, KY. 2009. “Ancestral Altar.” Virtual Voodoo Temple. 2009-2012. http://www.planetvoodoo.com/voodoo-temple/ancestral-altar.htm (accessed August 30, 2012). Anderson, Jeffrey E. Conjure in African American Society. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2005. —. Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Conjure. A Handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008.