Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer 2013 | Page 143

Ying Bao teaches Chinese language, literature, and culture at University o f Nevada Las Vegas. She received her PhD in East Asian Languages and Literatures from Ohio State University. Her research focuses on the history and criticism o f Chinese cinema, the relationship between arts and politics, comedy studies, oral performance, and folk tradition. She is completing a book manuscript on film comedy under Mao and has published in joum als such as Asian Cinema, Comparative Literature: East and West, Modem Chinese Literature and Culture. Besides her academic interests, she also enjoys gardening, hiking, and camping. B ren t G ibson is Professor o f English at the University o f M ary HardinBaylor. He has published articles on nineteenth and twentieth-century American literature. His major interests lie at the intersections o f populär culture, American literature, and theology. He teaches an interdisciplinary Honors course each fall and regularly presents papers at SWCCL and PCA. K athy M erlock Jackson is professor and coordinator o f communication at Virginia W esleyan College, where she specializes in media studies, animation, and children's culture. She holds a B.A. in English and Spanish from W est Virginia University, an M.A. in English ffom Ohio State University, and a Ph.D. in American culture, with concentrations in radio-TV-film and populär culture, from Bowling Green State University. She has published numerous articles and five books: Images o f Children in American Film (1986), Walt Disney: A Bio-Bibliography (1993), Rituals and Patterns in Children's Lives (2005), Conversations with Walt Disney (2006), and Disneyland and Culture: Essays on the Parks and Their Influence, co-edited with Mark W est (2011). A former President o f the American Culture Association, Jackson edits The Journal o f American Culture. Patricia M. K irtley is an ASCP certified Medical Technologist. She eamed a M aster o f Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College o f Fine Arts in 2008. She has presented papers at regional and national Populär Culture Conferences on the treatment o f ageism and disabilities in children’s literature. She and her husband, William, both enjoy travel, research, writing, and leaming from their grandchildren.